Volunteer Form

    Personal Information



    Medical Limitations

    Please Let us Know of Any Medical Limitations that Should be Considered when Arranging Volunteer Assignments

    Volunteer Availability

    Emergency Contact

    Please provide the name, address and phone number of a person who would be called in an emergency situation.

    Accidental Loss of Life Policy

    NWCSA-RSVP provides accident and liability insurance for volunteers when they are participating in an NWCSA-RSVP volunteer assignment.

    Automobile Insurance Statement

    I understand that if I use my personal vehicle driving to and from my volunteer station, I will arrange to keep in effect my automobile lability insurance equal to or greater than the minimum require by the State Of Wisconsin.


    Photo Release

    Background Checks are performed by NWCSA-RSVP staff on all volunteers or any Partnering Agency to ensure the safety of vulnerable populations.
    NWCSA-RSVP retains all volunteer information in the strictest confidence. No personal information is shared, transferred, or sold to any 3rd party.
    NWCSA-RSVP does not discriminate against volunteers, employees or in any operation of any of its programs on the basis of race/ethnicity; color; sex; national origin; including limited English proficiency; age’; political affiliation; sexual orientation; gender Identity or expression; religion; disability, including HIV/AIDS; marital or parental status; military service; past participation in a discrimination complaint process or any other improper criterion.


    I understand that as a volunteer I must maintain privacy and confidentiality of all private and sensitive information connected with the NWCSA-RSVP office and the non-profit organizations utilizing NWCSA-RSVP volunteers. This may include any personal information, business practices and/or related issues connected to volunteering at a station or in the NWCSA-RSVP office. My signature below is my commitment to uphold the spirit of confidentiality.
    I will volunteer my services through the NWCAS-RSVP and I understand that I am not an employee of Northwest Wisconsin Community Services Agency Inc., AmeriCorps or the Federal Government. I also hold harmless NWCSA-RSVP, their employees and sponsors from any and all liability resulting from any personal injury received during the course of my volunteer activities.